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Thornless Honeylocust Buy LINK

The thornless honeylocust is native from Pennsylvania to Nebraska and south to Texas. The first scientific observations of this species were made in 1700. The tree derives the name "Honey" from the sweet, honey-like substance found in its pods. The Cherokees in Tennessee made bows from the tree's durable and strong wood. It has also long been a favorite for fence posts.

thornless honeylocust buy

*** Please note that thornless honeylocust are grown from seed collected from parent trees that do not have thorns. The seedlings tend to have few or no thorns, but we cannot guarantee they will be 100% thornless ***

The thornless honey locust, scientifically known as Gleditsia triacanthos 'Inermis' The Thornless Honey Locust Tree grows well in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-10. It typically thrives in Full Sun and has a Fast growth rate per year. Although called "Thornless Honey Locust" Gleditsia Triacanthos 'Inermis' can sometimes form small thorns if the plant is under distress. Once full grown they can reach a height of 30-70 Feet and 30-70 Feet in spread. The small blooms of the thornless honeylocust are yellow, greenish yellow or greenish white. Blooms give way to large seed pods which can grow up to 12 inches long or more, but are usually between 6 and 12 inches. The Thornless Honey Locust Tree does well or is tolerant in Moist, Well-Drained Alkaline, Clay soil. In fall expect to see the leaves transition to a beautiful hue of Yellow. Be ready to see a variety of wildlife drawn to the Thornless Honey Locust Tree as they can attract Birds and small mammals. Also Known As: common honey-locust, honeylocust, thornless honeylocust

The light, dappled shade cast by the lacy foliage of thornless honey-locust is only one of its virtues. It also is durable and adaptable, tolerating a wide range of soil conditions as well as drought, and road salt, and has a lovely yellow fall color. As a result, honey locust is somewhat overused in city and suburban landscapes. For the sake of species diversity, it should only be planted after consideration of alternatives. The native species of honey-locust has large thorns on its stems and bark. For this reason, thornless honey-locust is most commonly sold.

Distinguished by its fine-textured summer leaves and its informal spreading habit, honeylocust is a ubiquitous medium to large deciduous tree native to the central and eastern United States and extreme southern Ontario. Most garden honeylocusts are sterile, non-fruiting selections of the thornless variety Gleditisia triacanthos f. inemris.The bright green, pinnately compound leaves of this cold-hardy tree cast filtered shade. They flush relatively late in spring and turn dull yellow in autumn. Fallen leaves create relatively little mess. The trunk has gray-brown, shallowly fissured bark, and lacks the formidable spines typical of most honeylocusts. Inconspicuous greenish spring flowers appear in clusters in spring. Fertile forms of this tree bear large flat red-brown seedpods which litter the ground when shed in autumn and winter.Honeylocust likes sun and is adapted to a wide variety of soil types. Thornless selections make good shade trees, although overuse of this tree has led to increasing insect and disease problems. This tree can self-sow, invasively in areas such as eastern Australia. (info source: - GleditsiaSpecies - TriacanthosCommon name - Thornless HoneylocustPre-Treatment - Not-requiredHardiness zones - 4 - 9Height - 50'-80' / 15.2m - 24.4mSpread - 12"-18" / 30.5cm - 45.7cmPlant type - TreeVegetation type - DeciduousExposure - Full sunGrowth rate - FastSoil PH - Acidic, Neutral, AlkalineSoil type - Loam, well drainedWater requirements - AverageLandscape uses - Feature Plant, Shade Trees, Street TreesGermination rate - 90%Bloom season - Late SpringLeaf / Flower color - Light Green / Yellow Green

The honey locust, scientifically known as Gleditsia triacanthos 'Inermis and sometimes thornless honey locust is a tree that sheds its leaves in the fall and is a member of the Fabaceae family. Although called "Thornless Honey Locust" Gleditsia Triacanthos 'Inermis' can sometimes form small thorns if the plant is under distress. It is only found in its native environment in the middle of North America, in the moist soil in river valleys. Not only is the honey locust a species highly adaptable to a wide range of environments.

Thornless Honey Locust Did you know?Thornless Honeylocust trees (Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis) have significantly less thorns than the fully-thorned species-type, but they are not entirely thornless. If you clip off a small, thorny branch cutting from one these trees and plant it, it will grow to be a fully-thorned honeylocust tree. If you clip off a small, thornless branch cutting from a fully-thorned honeylocust tree and plant it, it will grow to be a thornless honeylocust tree. Additionally, the seeds from a thornless branch will grow into mature thornless trees, while seeds from a thorny branch will grow into mature thorny trees.

This is a fast-growing tree with fragrant spring flowers. Its delicate, open silhouette lets grass grow underneath. Tiny leaflets turn yellow or yellow-green in fall. The honeylocust is pollution, salt and drought tolerant and adapts to a wide range of soils. It prefers full sun and can grow up to 70 feet with a 50 foot spread. This tree has been overplanted in the valley and can suffer in the summer heat especially when infested with spider mites.

The groan is understandable. Honeylocust was heavily planted in the late 80s and early 90s; we would say today that the honeylocust was overplanted. The tree is so hardy and tough, though, that it was considered one of the gold-standard urban trees during its heyday.

On the other hand, when its basic needs of good soil and space to grow are met, honeylocust is a lovely tree that casts a light dappled shade and is tougher than nails, exhibiting few of those negative traits.

Honeylocust does best in full sun on moist, rich soils, although it can be equally successful on droughty sites with adequate irrigation. Remember that current research recommends a minimum of 400 cubic feet for healthy root development, and the beautiful full crown of the honeylocust requires space to spread out to its full shady glory.

The pyramidal to upright spreading growth form combined with the thornless and seedless attributes and greater cold hardiness make Northern Acclaim a valuable addition to the tree selections list for use in the central and northern U.S. and southern Canada, where adapted.

Inermis is one of the sub species that was used in the breeding for pod production for livestock use. Millwood falls into this category but it can also show thorns if not grown with other thornless types. There is also quite the variation on the level of sugar found with the pods. With that in mind, several customers and colleagues of mine sent me pods of some of their best selections. I remember getting them in the mail and was surprised at how fragrant and beautiful the pods where when I tore open the box. Completely unexpected compared to the wild collection I was doing near the Kalamazoo River.

Thirty years ago, I planted different groups of seedlings of seedlings of the Millwood variety and others trying to figure out if the pods could be produced in a more northern location. Millwood is the most southern form of thornless honeylocust. As of 2020 only one tree has produced however flowering is now starting to pick up on the other seedlings so likely there will be more of a crop to look at. I also made plantings of other species of honeylocust at my farm and surprisingly they take long too! But in the last few years, I can see the flowering and likely I will have more of a crop report to share with others soon. When I first heard of honeylocust, I thought of the wood quality as wekk as the durability of the plant itself as it is the number one urban tree for many years. It is insane how much it is used and at the same time, how good it works in the most toxic environments. That is something to take notice in a tree crop.

The seeds of this selection are pollinated within the population which surrounds them or is totally self pollinated. It is possible some thorniness will show up in the progeny. I cannot guess if it will be all or none. I have had several non-thorny seed sources and seedlings grown from other nurseries and seed companies that produced a lot of thorny plants somethimes and none other times. It seems hard to predict. I think some of it might be related to the pollen sources in the surrounding area. The Hershey honeylocusts I grew had some thorns too but not very many of the population. But it takes 2-3 years of growing to see the little tiny thorns showing up on the seedlings. For others the thorns are not a problem and they are pruned off the trunk as it matures using lopers and a steady hand. I have tried this and it appears so far they do not resprout.

As beautiful as it is, the native Honeylocust is not typically available in the trades because of the spikes, though you can buy thornless varieties. And you can find the thornless Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis growing in the wild. They were once considered an ideal lawn tree, writes Michael Dirr in the go-to Manual of Woody Plants. They are fast-growing, two feet a year, and provide dappled shade, which allows grass to grow below it. However, their overuse has lessened their popularity.

The honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), also known as the thorny locust or thorny honeylocust, is a deciduous tree in the family Fabaceae, native to central North America where it is mostly found in the moist soil of river valleys.[3] Honey locust is highly adaptable to different environments, has been introduced worldwide, and can be an aggressive, invasive species outside of its native range.[3] 041b061a72


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