1 Speed Every Second Script 2 (OP)
Your HTML will display quicker in older browsers if you keep the scripts at the end of the body right before . So, to preserve the load speed in older browsers, you don't want to put them anywhere else.
1 Speed Every Second Script 2 (OP)
If your second script depends upon the first script (e.g. your second script uses the jQuery loaded in the first script), then you can't make them async without additional code to control execution order, but you can make them defer because defer scripts will still be executed in order, just not until after the document has been parsed. If you have that code and you don't need the scripts to run right away, you can make them async or defer.
By using a StringBuilder instead, you can considerably speed up your string manipulations, and when you apply all tricks, a script that took 68.5 seconds will run in just 0.13 seconds - more than 500x faster!
Admittedly, you seldom manipulate a string 100.000 times in your scripts. Then again, many scripts use strings to build a log file text, or write data from database records to strings. So in reality, whenever you use += on strings in a loop, chances are that you can speed up your script considerably.
Recently, I introduced the Pipeline Trick which can speed up Foreach-Object tremendously. So to identify how much the pipeline overhead affects overall measurements, I applied the Pipeline Trick to the original script:
The script took almost as long as the original script: 64.6 seconds. My initial conclusion was that the pipeline overhead seems to be neglectable. Boy how I was wrong!
Bam, it felt like a rocket booster: the script produced the same results in insane 0.13 seconds. Remember how we started with 68.5 seconds? By adding a bit of cleverness to the code, I managed to make the script run more than 500x faster.
This script takes 66.9 seconds to run, so the same time penalty hits. Only when I remove += and replace it with a StringBuilder, the script shows maximum performance and now takes 0.13 seconds.
I'm aware that this solution did not address the speed of copying, but it would be possible to add that by by expanding the commands above, possibly making it into a bash script so it would be easier to read. For instance by checking how much data is copied pr. n time unit, the speed should be trivial to calculate and display.
Here's the output. Notice that the "real" time this run took was 2.798 seconds. That's because I forgot to use time on the first run where it actually did the copy, so this is just what the output looks like when everything is already the same in source and destination.
As per Yahoo, around 80 percent of the loading time is wasted in loading the elements of the page, such as stylesheets, images, scripts, etc. All of these elements have separate HTTP requests that take a lot of time to render. So, your initial step should be to minimize these requests. You can know how to speed up web page loading time by reducing these requests by either caching or opting for different methods.
The scripts like JS and CSS can be loaded in two different ways. One of them is synchronously, and the other one is asynchronous. When you load the scripts synchronously, all of them will load one after the other one in the exact order of their appearance on the page. On the other hand, asynchronous loading of scripts will take place all at once. You can check how significantly the speed is enhanced on a website load test. This way, the browser can load all the necessary scripts all at once.
You should read this guide and take my findings with a grain of salt. Do not accept everything as absolute truth. When it comes to page speed and website performance, there are many nuances that affect the results and I did not cover all of them. Actually, I think that I was just scratching the surface.
Nevertheless, when your tag must insert an element to a certain part of the page, it will require more computer resources. If your script, for example, uses document.querySelectorAll (meaning that it searches for all elements on a page that meet certain criteria) and is iterating through every element, it will require even more time/resources from your browser.
This especially applies to those manipulations that require the browser to iterate through every element and check whether it meets the criteria. Although my experiment #13 did not significantly affect the webpagetest.org results, the Time To Interactive metric was seriously affected (2-3 seconds were added to the loading time) meaning that the page stays unresponsive for more time.
This is the 40th and final Co-op 8th level in the course, Mobility Gels. The level is a final test on all the previous courses, and brings elements from almost every course, such as excursion funnels, portal speed mechanic, gels, two breakers, and much more. The main hazards are Goo, and falling to your death.
If you move the speed slider to a slower setting, NetLogo will update more than30 times a second, effectively slowing down the model. On a faster setting,NetLogo will update less than 30 times a second. On the fastest setting, updateswill be separated by several seconds.
With tick-based updates, the setting is a ceiling on how many updates persecond you get. If the frame rate is 30, then NetLogo will ensure that the modelnever runs faster than that when the speed slider is in the default position. Ifany frame takes less than 1/30 of a second to compute and display, NetLogo willpause and wait until the full 1/30 of a second has passed before continuing.
ask-concurrent produces simulated concurrency via a mechanism ofturn-taking. The first agent takes a turn, then the second agent takes a turn,and so on until every agent in the asked agentset has had a turn. Then we goback to the first agent. This continues until all of the agents have finishedrunning all of the commands.
Acceleration. This option specifies the acceleration of the servo in units of (0.25 μs) / (10 ms) / (80 ms). For example, with an acceleration of 4, the speed of the servo will change by a maximum of 1250 μs/s every second. Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24 only: If you use a period other than the default 20 ms, the units of acceleration are different. See below for more information.
Period is an advanced option that sets the period of all of the servo pulses, in milliseconds. This is the amount of time between successive pulses on a given channel. If you are unsure about this option, leave it at the default of 20 ms. Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24 only: the units of speed and acceleration depend on the pulse rate. The units depend only on Period, not on Period multiplier. Please refer to the following table for the relationship between Period and speed/acceleration units:
If the specified channel is configured as a servo, this position value represents the current pulse width that the Maestro is transmitting on the channel, reflecting the effects of any previous commands, speed and acceleration limits, or scripts running on the Maestro.
Note that the servo positions are specified in units of 0.25 μs, so a value of 4000 corresponds to 1 ms. The text after the # is a comment; it does not get programmed on to the device, but it can be useful for making notes about how the program works. Good comments are essential for complicated programs. It is important to remember the DELAY commands; without these, the script will not wait at all between servo commands, running the loop hundreds of times per second.
GET_MOVING_STATE returns a 1 as long as there is at least one servo that is limited by a speed or acceleration setting still moving, so you can use it whenever you want to wait for all motion to stop before proceeding to the next step of a script.
The following tables show allowed minimum and maximum pulse lengths, in microseconds, for a variety of combinations of pulse rates and servo numbers. All enabled servos must always satisfy the restrictions on some table row, so the easiest way to follow the restrictions is to pick a row, then configure minimums and maximums for specific channels according to the restrictions given in that row. However, you do not need to specify the ranges of your servos in advance: you can switch some channels off or adjust their positions to access a wider range on other channels. If your settings happen to violate these restrictions, the servo period might increase and the units of speed and acceleration limits will change accordingly, but the operation of the Maestro will not be affected in any other way.
Over-/underspeeding is one of the leading causes of road accidents. Traditional systems of detecting and reporting speed-limit violations are not suitable for smart cities. Even the sophisticated conventional systems that use cameras or RFIDs for automating speed-limit violations have several drawbacks, including cost, complexity, reliability, and maintenance. In this paper, we present two systems based on the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) to automatically detect speed-limit violations and autonomously report the committed violations to the authorities. Our systems require no extra hardware or equipment: only the On-Board Unit (OBU), the Road Side Unit (RSU), and the Cloud Server software have to be updated to have a fully functioning system as long as the IoV infrastructure is deployed. One of the systems will be installed on the OBU. A second alternative system design is to use Cloud Servers (CSs) and the IoV beacons that are sent from the vehicles. Additionally, unlike the existing systems installed in specific locations, all roads in the smart cities and highways will be fully monitored. Adaptive fine calculation according to new dynamic policies can be easily integrated into the proposed system. Furthermore, the proposed system can accurately operate in all weather conditions. Moreover, it allows the dynamic adjustment of the speed limits according to the current weather conditions. We have validated the proposed system by building a prototype system that effectively and accurately detects and reports over-/underspeed traffic violations alongside any road. 041b061a72